Artificial Intelligence on your commute

A mixed method research project to grow understanding of potential of AI on existing platforms, as used by regular commuters.
This meant facilitating discussions about current journeys, and providing audiences with a pilot service which helped them imagine where AI might support them on future journeys.


This project required the right balance of qualitative and quantitative research. Having previously conducted small scale trials with similar technology, we wanted to scale up the pilot to maximise findings from both usage data and self reported feedback.

This left us with vast data sets, which we drew upon to deliver findings at different altitudes to stakeholders at various levels of interest and seniority.

The emphasis was also to ensure this was not seen as ‘research on the side’ and used exiting technology stacks to build a hi-fidelity prototype, and integrate behavioural data into dashboards already established by the data science team.


Discovery research within broad product space
Research strategy and test design for 6 week mixed method study
(surveys, contextual interviews, focus groups, usage data)
3 week live pilot
Recruitment from across the organisation’s demographic map


Research report (not published externally)
Findings from rapid analysis with wider team
Innovation plan of short, medium and long term opportunities
Write up of process and outcomes


Report into commuter habits and preferences
Attitudinal insight and opportunities in AI, both now and in the future
Recommendations added to near term product roadmap


News for All - Civic Deliberation


Human Values - Society and Meaningful Metrics